Wednesday, 4 March 2020



24. März 2020, 17 Uhr, Deutsches Spionagemuseum, Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin
Alles Geheim? Zur Transparenz deutscher Geheimdienste

Podiumsdiskussion, organisiert von der Forschungsgruppe "Learning Intelligence"


Geheimdienste sind geheim – Punkt! Oder doch nicht so ganz? Die Geheimhaltung ist in Bewegung geraten. Pressestellen wurden eingerichtet, Mitarbeitende treten in der Öffentlichkeit auf, Akten werden ins Archiv übergeben und Historiker*innen untersuchen Geheimdienstgeschichte. Doch wie transparent ist der moderne Geheimdienst? Weiß die Öffentlichkeit wirklich Bescheid, wer ihr Geheimdienst ist und wie er arbeitet? Weltweite Skandale wie die Snowden-Enthüllungen haben gezeigt, dass zwar immer mehr Informationen über die geheime Arbeit der Dienste ans Licht kommen. Gleichzeitig hat sich das öffentliche Unbehagen nicht verringert. Wie arbeiten also deutsche Nachrichtendienste? Wo sind sie transparent und was bleibt geheim? Dieser Frage gehen Experten aus Politik, Nachrichtendienst, Wissenschaft und der Zivilgesellschaft nach.

Auf dem Podium zu Gast sein werden: Uli Grötsch (SPD, MdB), Martin Heinemann (Pressesprecher BND), Anna Biselli ( und Sinan Selen (Vize-Präsident Verfassungsschutz).
Moderation: Sophia Hoffmann (ZMO)

Weitere Infos


9 March 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
Women's Translocal Peacebuilding: Family, Neighbourhood, State, and International Organisations in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Lecture by Aksana Ismailbekova (ZMO) as part of the lecture series "Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality: A Debate Unfolding"


There has been a significant amount of research on peacebuilding in Central Asia in general and in Kyrgyzstan in particular. This has helped us understand social and political processes in the republic itself while it also contributed towards a better general understanding of the shortcomings of the liberal peacebuilding framework. However, this work has, with rare exceptions, focused largely on male peacebuilding, both at the state and international levels. Aksana Ismailbekova offers a corrective to that trend, illuminating the role of women peacebuilders in the post-conflict city of Osh. Based on ethnographic research conducted in 2016, she argues that women have an important informal role in peacebuilding, which has been missed in existing accounts...

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26 March 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
Kashmir as a Borderland: The Politics of Space and Belonging across the Line of Control
Book presentation by Antía Mato Bouzas (ZMO)


ZMO's summer colloquium 2020 will be all about book presentations. Between March and July, a number of colleagues will present their latest monographs to the public.
At the first presentation, Antía Mato Bouzas will introduce her book on Kashmir that has been published in August 2019. The book examines the Kashmir dispute from both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) and within the theoretical frame of border studies. It draws on the experiences of those living in these territories such as divided families, traders, cultural and social activists. Kashmir is a borderland, that is, a context for spatial transformations, where the resulting interactions can be read as a process of 'becoming' rather than of 'being'. The analysis of this borderland shows how the conflict is manifested in territory, in specific locations with a geopolitical meaning, evidencing the discrepancy between 'representation' and the 'living'. Bouzas puts forward the concept of belonging as a useful category for investigating more inclusive political spaces.

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21. März 2020, 14 Uhr, Treffpunkt: Vorplatz des Bahnhofs Nikolassee
Kiezspaziergang in Nikolassee
Spaziergang mit der Bezirksbürgermeisterin Cerstin Richter-Kotowski, u.a. zum ZMO


Bürgerinnen und Bürger des Bezirks Steglitz-Zehlendorf, sowie auch Interessierte bekommen regelmäßig die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam mit Frau Richter-Kotowski den Bezirk zu erkunden. Im März lautet das Thema des Spaziergangs "Ortskern Nikolassee". Auf ihrem Spaziergang wird die Gruppe unter anderem den Mittelhof besuchen, in dem das Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient untergebracht ist. Forschungsfeldleiterin Katharina Lange wird den Besucher*innen in einem kurzen Vortrag einen Einblick in das Forschungszentrum geben und auch über die Geschichte des Anwesens berichten. Eine Anmeldung beim Bezirksamt ist erforderlich.

Weitere Infos

30 March 2020, 5 pm, ZMO
The Socialist Project in the Soviet and Post-Soviet South: Materiality and Translocality in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Lecture by Stefan Kirmse & David Leupold (both ZMO) as part of the lecture series "Central Eurasian Studies and Translocality: A Debate Unfolding"


This double lecture addresses the materiality and translocality of everyday life in the Soviet and post-Soviet south, paying particular attention to Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Exploring the link between nationalism and internationalism in the Soviet Union of the 1960s and 1970s, it first tracks regional, transregional and global connectivity and transfer in youth activism. The second part of the lecture then turns to the realm of the material to explore the emancipatory potential of late-Soviet urbanity as physical remainders of a ‘failed past’ and signifiers of an ‘unfinished future’...

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31 March 2020, 2 pm, ZMO
Double-lecture by Gerdien Jonker and Maria-Magdalena Fuchs

2pm - 3pm
Good Neighbors: Jews and Muslims in Interwar Berlin
Lecture by Gerdien Jonker

3pm - 4pm
Mosque Archives as Sources for Historical Research: The Case of Berlin-Wilmersdorf
Lecture by Gerdien Jonker and Maria-Magdalena Fuchs

Dr. Gerdien Jonker is Historian of Religion and senior researcher at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen. After her dissertation on the collective memory of Ancient Mesopotamia, Jonker switched to European minorities and their memory practices today. Her current research addresses Jews and Muslims in Germany and the relations the two minorities entertain.
Dr. Maria-Magdalena Fuchs is a postdoc research fellow at the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin. She received her PhD from the Department of Religion at Princeton University in 2019, focusing on the history of Islamic modernism in colonial north India. Maria also holds an MSt in Global and Imperial History from the University of Oxford and a BA in Islamic Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin.

Tenders & Calls

Ausschreibung für eine Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft im Forschungsfeld „Contested Religion: Between Religiosity, Morality, and Intellectual Culture“ am ZMO

Die Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, spätestens zum 1. April 2020, zu besetzen.
Bewerbungsfrist: 8. März 2020

New Publications

Ulrike Freitag 
A History of Jeddah. The Gate to Mecca in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries


Cambridge University Press 2020, 404 pp.



Stephanie Zehnle
A Geography of Jihad. Sokoto Jihadism and the Islamic Frontier in West Africa


ZMO-Studien 37, De Gruyter 2020, 718 pp.



Jennifer Jenkins, Heike Liebau, Larissa SchmidtTransnationalism and insurrection: independence committees, anti-colonial networks, and Germany’s global war


In: Journal of Global History, Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2020, pp. 61-79.



Maria-Magdalena Fuchs, Simon Wolfgang Fuchs
A Religious Minorities in Pakistan: Identities, Citizenship and Social Belonging


In: South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 43:1, pp. 52-67.



ZMO in the Media

Majoritarianism Has Turned the Populace Into an Ever-Ready Mob


Nitin Sinha on the current Situation in India.
The Wire
, 29 February 2020



بتوقيت برلين - ذكرى أوشفيتز: هل يمكن للتاريخ أن يعيد نفسه؟

TV Talkshow with Inana Othman on "75 years Auschwitz - can history repeat itself?".
Deutsche Welle Arabic, 30 January 2020




How battle rap and streaming platforms are bridging Kyrgyz hip hop's elders and youth


Online article by Florian Coppenrath.
The Calvert Journal, 25 February 2020



The Ottoman Imperial Brewery and its Legacy: Multiculturalism, Hedonism, Conservationism

Blog post by Malte Fuhrmann.
Seeing the Woods, 5 February 2020



Alumni News

Drinking the Written Qu'ran: PhD-defence of Hanna Nieber

Text by Erik Meinema on the PhD-Defence of ZMO alumna Hanna Nieber on 28 February.

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